A valley, two vines, and a flower

A place for a mom to rant and rave.

Friday, March 04, 2005

More on illnesses

Ok, Glenn is better, I am worse, and Rose is still sick. Wednesday night/Thursday morning she had an ear ache that kept waking her up. When she awoke, she would cry for a half hour until she fell back asleep. We got one hour chunks of sleep from around 2 am until a little after 5 am, when she fell asleep and stayed asleep. When she finally woke up at 11:30 am, she said her ears felt fine, but she had a temp of 102. I gave her some tylenol. Fearing an ear infection, I took her in to the doctor's office, where she was examined and declared to have a viral cold. When we give her ibuprofin or tylenol, her temperature drops.

This morning, shortly after waking, she had a temp of 103.7. Several hours after getting some ibuprofin, her temperature was bascially normal. Now, as the medicine wears off, her temperature climbs. It is currently 100.2 and she is complaining of being cold, so I am afraid that it is still climbing. It is obvious when the ibuprofin wears off as she gets sluggish and whiny. I have a phone call into the doctor's office to talk to a nurse.

Today, I have been feeling sick as well. Funny, since I just finished a course of antibiotics for a sinus infection. Oh well. I had a really hard time getting out of bed today, but no fever yet. We had to cancel gaming tonight as it would not do to make our pregnant friend sick two weeks before her due date.

Update: We took Rose into the doctor's office and she does have an ear infection. Apparently, there is a blister on each eardrum. We filled the amoxicillin prescription and she has now had her first dose. Why she is not complaining of ear pain now, I have no idea.


  • At 8:24 AM, Blogger Glenn said…

    Liana is now sick instead. Came home early from work yesterday.


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