A valley, two vines, and a flower

A place for a mom to rant and rave.

Friday, May 26, 2006

Rose milked a cow and Ivy made butter

In a strange set of coincidences, this morning Rose went on a field trip to a dairy farm and got to milk a cow. At approximately the same time, Ivy was at school making butter. Sadly, we did not accompany either task, so there are no pictures.

Apparently next Friday, Ivy is going to make ice cream at school. I don't remember doing such cool things in first grade (they have already made peanut butter).


  • At 11:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They let kids anywhere near killer peanuts in a public school anymore? Or do they provide moon suits for the kids who have allergies?

  • At 12:10 AM, Blogger Liana said…

    I was really surprised too. They must not have anyone in the class who is allergic.

    Rose takes a PB&J almost every day as well. I asked when she started preschool if it was ok and was told it was fine. She is happy, it is easy for me to make, and the school doesn't complain.


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